Brown Bag Discussion: IFRC and its relationship to the (local) ecosystem (2)

Jérémy  Pillet
Jérémy Pillet

Topic - How can we integrate animal and plant species living right outside the HQ building into our conception of the IFRC Park? How do we start recognizing the ecosystem that we are part of? How do we create meaningful interactions with plants and animals locally and on a planetary scale? Is there a specific IFRC/Red Cross way of relating to nature?


Note: A discussion took place on the same topic on October 14th. In our forthcoming event on 10 Nov, we will continue that lunchtime discussion with a short summary of the prevision exchanges. Please note that the forthcoming discussion will take place in English.


Brown bag discussions happen over lunchtime and you are therefore welcome to bring your food to the room. They can also be attended online.